Resource: Connection • Install: 2 • Influence: 3

Whenever a gray ops or black ops operation is trashed after resolving, you may give the Corp 1 bad publicity and take 1 tag.

trash: Draw 2 cards for each bad publicity the Corp has.

Stick with your plan and you'll be fine. Stick with the plan.
Anarch • Lorraine Schleter • Fear and Loathing 83
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Tallie Perrault
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Welcome to Reviewing the Little Boot Icon, an unfortunately named series of reviews for Reboot-modified cards. Today's review: Tallie Perrault, which is supposed to help you avoid death by tagging you. Exactly.

  • Changes: Cards drawn 1<2. This was at 3 cards, but it was busted.

  • Pros: Give the Corp bad pub whenever they do dirty things. for example. You can use this bad publicity to draw cards to avoid death from those same Black Ops. Or you can just use it as a draw engine. Valencia Estevez: The Angel of Cayambe starts with a bad publicity.

  • Cons: Taking tags is very annoying, especially if you do it on the Corp's turn. Witness Tampering can leave you tagged and without your insta-draw safety net. Sizzler: Igniting the Discourse makes this worthless.

4/10 Self-contradictory.

(Style and Slander era)