Event: Current • Cost: 0 • Influence: 1

This card is not trashed until another current is played or an agenda is scored.

1recurring credit

Use this credit during a run.

Fifteen seconds of fame.
Shaper • Isuardi Therianto • The Spaces Between 38
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Net Celebrity
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Welcome to Reviewing the Little Boot Icon, an unfortunately named series of reviews for Reboot-modified cards. Today's review: Net Celebrity, the best Shaper current.

  • Changes: Play cost 1>0.

  • Pros: Once a turn pseudo bad-pub! Great out of Nasir Meidan: Cyber Explorer, as he cannot lose it and now doesn't lose to Pop-up Window. Free to play current. Only 1 influence, could see play in Criminal.

  • Cons: You can't play Employee Strike. Only 1, so if you aren't making a run once a turn, another econ card would be better.

6/10 Nice Nasir toy.

(Style and Slander era)