Resource: Connection • Install: 8 • Influence: 0

You have 1 additional click to spend during your turn (even during the turn this ability becomes active).

Trash Rachel Beckman if you are tagged.

"This is Rachel Beckman. She's in the business of keeping people alive."
Rachel smiled. "Only when I'm not in the business of killing them."
Neutral • Ashley Witter • First Contact 60
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Rachel Beckman
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Welcome to Reviewing the Little Boot Icon, an unfortunately named series of reviews for Reboot-modified cards. Today's review: Rachel Beckman, which is not a good way to make money with Magnum Opus.

  • Changes: Influence cost 1>0.

  • Pros: You now have 5 clicks a turn! Creates a the instant you install her.

  • Cons: 8 is ridiculously expensive. If you get tagged, this disappears unless you use New Angeles City Hall or Decoy.

3/10 Way too expensive.

(Style and Slander era)