ICE: Sentry - Tracer - Observer • Rez: 1 • Strength: 5 • Influence: 1

Searchlight can be advanced. X is the number of advancement tokens on Searchlight.

subroutine Trace [X]– If successful, give the Runner 1 tag.

subroutine Trace [X]– If successful, give the Runner 1 tag.

Weyland Consortium • Simon Weaner • Order and Chaos 19
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Welcome to Reviewing the Little Boot Icon, an unfortunately named series of reviews for Reboot-modified cards. Today's review: Searchlight, super Hunter for Weyland.

  • Changes: Strength 3<5.

  • Pros: 2 advancement tokens on this, and Hunter is crying in the corner, the extra subroutine is great too. Very high strength. Cheap to rez.

  • Cons: Hunter is better if you don't advance this, or the Runner has .

4/10 Requires advancements to really shine, and you could be getting Swarm tokens.

(Style and Slander era)