Event: Priority • Cost: 0 • Influence: 2

Play only as your first click.

Each player draws 3 cards.

Limit 1 per deck.

"The secret to investing is networking." -Laramy Fisk
Criminal • Bruno Balixa • The Universe of Tomorrow 105
All sets:
Links: Decklists | ANCUR
Fisk Investment Seminar
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Welcome to Reviewing the Little Boot Icon, an unfortunately named series of reviews for Reboot-modified cards. Today's review: Fisk Investment Seminar, the card that became broken because another card got nerfed.

  • Changes: Limit 1 per deck. With the AstroScript Pilot Program nerf, giving Corps draw can always be useful to you with Legwork. @zailey built some broken FIS decks you can see by clicking on the "Decklists" link below the text bubble further up the page.

  • Pros: Diesel coupled with making the Corp have more agendas in HQ for you to Legwork. This is good while Laramy Fisk: Savvy Investor is bad because you get to burst 3 cards that the Corp surely can't use all of. Try to play this if you think the Corp is flooded.

  • Cons: Cannot be used with Same Old Thing. Hard to build around.

7/10 Draw solution and turns your Legwork into a pseudo-The Maker's Eye.

(Equity and Eternity era)