Resource • Install: 1 • Influence: 1

The first time the Corp gains credits through a card ability each turn, you may gain 1credit.

click, 3credit: Trash PAD Tap. Only the Corp can use this ability.

"You called me, sir?"
"Why does my PAD keep flashing 'Sensitive Information Transfer'?!"
"Hmm, that's strange. Mine only does that on Tuesdays.
Criminal • Caravan Studio • Mind and Mayhem 24
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Welcome to Reviewing the Little Boot Icon, an unfortunately named series of reviews for Reboot-modified cards. Today's review: PAD Tap, which makes MOpus Leela work.

  • Changes: Install cost 0<1.

  • Pros: Share a PAD Campaign with the Corp! The Corp can spend a and 3, but that's also great value! Only 1 inf.

  • Cons: You probably won't get to keep this.

7/10 Great econ/econ denial.

(Equity and Eternity era)