Identity: Cyborg - G-mod • Link: 0 • Deck: 46 • Influence: 15

You may install shaperprograms from your heap as if they were in your grip.

Whenever you install a card from your heap,
add a power counter to this identity.

As an additional cost to install cards in your heap, pay 1credit for every power counter on this identity.

Shaper • Karl Erik Holter via DALL-E • Equity and Eternity 20
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Links: Decklists | ANCUR
Sonia Nahar: Steadfast Salvager
MWL Entries

No MWL Entries for this card.

  • Sonia works with any game effect that would normally install cards from grip. This includes the basic action to install a card.

  • The additional cost is part of “the cost” and “paying for” the card, but not part of the “install cost”. This means cards that reduce or ignore the “cost” or “all costs” will reduce or ignore it (Chronicle, Test Run), but cards that reduce or ignore the “install cost” will not (Modded, London Library).

  • The additional cost can be paid with credits that can only be used to pay for installing programs (such as Cybsoft MacroDrive).

  • The card being installed is considered to be in your grip for the purpose of choosing a card to install, but is not actually moved there or considered to be in your grip for any other game effects. This means that Blacklist will prevent anything from being installed via Sonia, and that Hype will be flipped to Hope if installed with Sonia.


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