Asset: Ambush • Rez: 0 • Trash: 2 • Influence: 2

Aggressive Secretary can be advanced.

If you pay 2credit when the Runner accesses Aggressive Secretary, trash 1 program for each advancement token on Aggressive Secretary.

Haas-Bioroid • Julian Totino Tedesco • Core Set 57
All sets:
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Aggressive Secretary
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Welcome to Reviewing the Little Boot Icon, an unfortunately named series of reviews of cards that have changed in Reboot Project. Our next review is Aggressive Secretary, the HB program-trashing Project Junebug.

*Changes: It now costs 2 (instead of 0) to trash. This enables it to survive being accessed on centrals a bit easier or tax the runner as it's very annoying to hit.

*Pros: Looks like a 5/3 or 4/2 depending on how much you commit to it. Trashing even a single program is great against non-Exile: Streethawk runners and even against him you may create a scoring window.

*Cons: Some decks run Sacrificial Construct. Runner might guess it's a trap or not be able to run it, realizing it's not an agenda when you don't score it. Requires money to set up and trigger. Doesn''t kill the runner.

7/10 Excellent card if you have extra money to spend in your EtF deck.

(Mind and Mayhem era)