Welcome to Reviewing the Little Boot Icon, an unfortunately named series of reviews for Reboot-modified cards, Today's review: Satellite Uplink, Leela's first appearance on a piece of art.
Changes: Cards exposed 2<3. Blackguard, anyone?
Pros: Great crutch for new players, letting them avoid dying on an Archer or Project Junebug. Most expose effects are way more conditional than this, only letting you see a single card and usually requiring runs, like Silhouette: Stealth Operative, Lemuria Codecracker, or Infiltration. You can make the Corp go broke with Blackguard.
Cons: Drive By is much better in most situations as you can trash unrezzed assets and upgrades with it. Learning to predict face-down cards is a cornerstone of good Runner play, and this encourages you not to learn it.
6/10 2nd best expose effect. (After Drive By .)