ICE: Mythic • Rez: 2 • Strength: 1 • Influence: 0

When you rez Chimera, choose sentry, code gate, or barrier. Chimera gains that subtype until derezzed.

When a turn ends, derez Chimera.

subroutine End the run.

Three heads. One big headache.
Neutral • Isuardi Therianto • Cyber Exodus 60
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Welcome to Reviewing the Little Boot Icon, an unfortunately named series of reviews for Reboot-modified cards. Today's review: Chimera, the closest thing we have to a ETR Trap ice.

  • Changes: Strength 0<1. Now doesn't immediately lay down and die to Parasite.

  • Pros: If the Runner doesn't have all 3 breakers or an AI down, they can't get in! Neutral so any rush deck can enjoy!

  • Cons: The Runner might get you to name a subtype, then install the correct breaker and run again. Derezzes itself every turn, so Runners will often bounce off it repeatedly to tax your . If they actually have breakers, this is junk, being very expensive and just having 1 strength and 1 sub.

8/10 Great against

(Mind and Mayhem era)