Mr. Li

Resource: Connection • Install: 1 • Influence: 2

click: Draw 2 cards. Add 1 of these cards to the bottom of your stack.

"We're always happy to help, Mr. Santiago."
"I appreciate it, Mr. Li."
"We'll be in touch. And, Gabriel…"
"Don't leave town."
Criminal • Gong Studios • Future Proof 105
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Mr. Li
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Welcome to Reviewing the Little Boot Icon, an unfortunately named series of reviews for Reboot-modified cards. Today's review: Mr. Li, no first name.

  • Changes: Install cost 3>1. Previously he was a mistake to include, now he is great value.

  • Pros: See twice as many cards when you for them. Cheap to install, allows you to get what you need without having to discard down from drawing too much.

  • Cons: Puts 1 of the cards on the bottom of your deck, where you'd need Window to get it. Bad for filling your hand after getting Snare!'d. You don't want this out of faction, has Diesel and Quality Time, and has Wyldside-Adjusted Chronotype with I've Had Worse.

8/10 Excellent draw option.

(Mind and Mayhem era)