ICE: Code Gate • Rez: 4 • Strength: 3 • Influence: 0

subroutine The Runner must pay 2credit, if able. If the Runner cannot pay 2credit, end the run.

subroutine End the run.

"Cheap, off-the-shelf data protection. Cheap for them, that is. Not for us." -Ele "Smoke" Scovak
Neutral • Aaron Firem • Creation and Control 27
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Welcome to Reviewing the Little Boot Icon, an unfortunately named series of reviews for Reboot-modified cards. Today's review: Datapike, another bland neutral code gate.

  • Changes: Strength 2<3. Still inside Yog.0 range, this makes it better against and .

  • Pros: Annoying face-check on the first sub, making it a micro-Tollbooth. Neutral, so any deck can use it.

  • Cons: Yog.0 walks right through this. 4 is a bit much.

7/10 Nice for a code gate to have a face-check punishment.

(Style and Slander era)