Program: Caïssa • Install: 0 • Memory: 0 • Influence: 4

click: Host Pawn on an outermost piece of ice protecting a central server.

Whenever you make a successful run while Pawn is hosted on a piece of ice, move Pawn to the piece of ice directly after the current ice hosting Pawn, if able; otherwise, trash Pawn instead and install a Caïssa program from your grip or heap, ignoring all costs.

Anarch • Liiga Smilshkalne • Opening Moves 2
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Welcome to Reviewing the Little Boot Icon, an unfortunately named series of reviews for Reboot-modified cards. Today's review: Pawn, previously the only thing holding Exile: Streethawk up as a playable deck.

  • Changes: Influence 1<4. Exile: Streethawk is very good as a regular deck, and Streetchess would be overpowered if he could run this easily.

  • Pros: Helps with one of the biggest problems of Caïssa programs, that if you put one on a crappy piece of ice, the Corp will just install over it and trash your Knight from moving around anymore. Exile: Streethawk used to cycle 2 of these with no other Caïssas for card draw. Free to install, and uses 0.

  • Cons: Without Deep Red, this takes 2 to begin doing something, and you have to make runs to get free Rooks or Knights.

6/10 Essential in a Caïssa deck.

(Style and Slander era)