Welcome to Reviewing the Little Boot Icon, an unfortunately named series of reviews for Reboot-modified cards. Today's review: Project Ares, 's nightmare if they weren't so good at cracking open remotes.
Changes: Trashes cards for each token beyond 4>2.
Pros: Send your war machine bioroids to go blow up the Runner's rig. There is a ridiculous Custom Biotics: Engineered for Success deck that uses Psychographics and Midseason Replacements to get buckets of tokens on this. If your opponent hates Power Grid Reroute, this will make them think twice.
Cons: Gives a bad publicity, unless you put lots of tokens on it it just kills near-empty Daily Casts and some Aesop's Pawnshop fodder. You would rather have some of the great 3/2s and Nostalgiologists or Ikawah Project instead of this.
4/10 Can deliver huge blowout moments, but requires a bunch of work.