Resource: Location - Connection • Install: 2 • Influence: 2

When your turn begins, you may trash another of your installed cards to gain 3credit.

You didn't mention Aesop's arm unless you wanted an earful. Sometimes he talked about it in such a way that you wondered why he didn't laser his other arm off as well.
Shaper • Adam Schumpert • Core Set 47
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Aesop's Pawnshop
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Welcome to Reviewing the Little Boot Icon, an unfortunately named series of reviews for Reboot-modified cards. Today's review: Aesop's Pawnshop, the card Noise: Hacker Extraordinaire always slots 3x of.

*Changes: Cost 1<2.

*Pros: Noise can make money and get his viruses into the bin to install them again. You can get rid of an empty Imp. Exile: Streethawk can get programs where they want to be. Free up MU or get rid of Stim Dealer before it ruins your brain.

*Cons: Requires you to throw away your installed cards to get money. Resources are vulnerable to trashing, especially locations. Takes 2 turns to pay off.

8/10 Utterly ridiculous in Noise and Hayley and good in Shaper and Leela.

(Mind and Mayhem era)