Program: Icebreaker - Killer • Install: 3 • Memory: 1 • Strength: 1 • Influence: 1

1credit: Break sentry subroutine.

2credit: +2 strength for the remainder of this run.

Shaper • Matt Zeilinger • Core Set 46
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Welcome to Reviewing the Little Boot Icon, an unfortunately named series of reviews for Reboot-modified cards. Today's review: Pipeline, the core set Shaper killer.

  • Changes: Strength boost ability now gives +2 strength per 2, instead of +1 strength. Now the card isn't so bad, if you are breaking odd-strength sentries, it's better than Crypsis.

  • Pros: Can break multi-sub ICE decently, strength boost isn't too bad, and carries over if the Corp stacks sentries. 10 for Archer is pretty bad, though, but Atman is in many Shaper decks. Saves influence and doesn't require Cloak, etc. Cheap to install.

  • Cons: Costs a lot to break Archer or other high-strength sentries, Grim costs 5 to break, Dagger is way more efficient.

6/10 Good to save influence, and Atman covers up the weakness of this card quite well.

(Mind and Mayhem era)