Program: Icebreaker - AI • Install: 4 • Memory: 1 • Strength: 0 • Influence: 3

When you install Atman, you may pay Xcredit
to place X power counters on Atman.

Atman has +1 strength for each power counter on it.

1credit: Break ice subroutine on a piece of ice
that has strength equal to Atman's strength.

We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think.
Shaper • Diana Martinez • Creation and Control 40
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Welcome to Reviewing the Little Boot Icon, an unfortunately named series of reviews for Reboot-modified cards. Today's review: Atman one of the best AI breakers around.

  • Changes: Install cost 3<4 " Atman is a huge beneficiary of many of the buffs we've made to ice strength across the board. At 4 cost it remains an efficient answer, but is a bit harder to set up or install multiple copies of." - Reboot Site.

  • Pros: Only have to boost it's strength once, when you install it, then just pay a per . AI, so if you put it on Personal Workshop you can break anything except Swordsman and Turing. Set up a 0 strength and 4 strength Atman, with Datasucker, and you can break most ice for pennies. Some matchups may prefer other strengths, but against EtF, the most popular Corp deck, this is best. Nasir Meidan: Cyber Explorer loves this as a way to dump all his cash before encountering a piece of ice.

  • Cons: You may get randomly owned by low strength ice if you don't have a low strength Atman or regular breakers. You still need regular breakers very much, unlike Knight, Crypsis or Faust. High influence cost. Turing and Kwolek ruin your life. High install cost, part of which is not actually "install cost", as you can't use Personal Workshop to put counters on it.

9/10 Best AI in the game.

(Mind and Mayhem era)