Program: Icebreaker - AI • Install: 3 • Memory: 1 • Strength: 2 • Influence: 2

Trash a card from your grip: Break ice subroutine.

Trash 3 cards from your grip: +2 strength.

The server was quiet that night. I closed my eyes, the low-hum of the datastream lulling me into a trance. When I opened them, the construct stood before me in the shape of a man, clad in light of many colors. His stature was impressive, and his saccharine voice wormed its way into my very soul.
Anarch • Marko Fiedler • The Underway 61
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Welcome to Reviewing the Little Boot Icon, an unfortunately named series of reviews for Reboot-modified cards. Today's review: Faust. Also, an essay on broken Anarchs over the years.

  • Changes: Trash 1<3 cards from your grip: +2 strength. This previously powered Dumblefork, a Whizzard: Master Gamer deck with Forked, Knifed and Spooned to take the Corp's board state apart in key areas faster than they could lock you out of Medium digs. All its bad matchups were unplayable at tourneys due to all the Shaper addicts who always lost if you installed 2 PAD Campaigns turn 1.
    It made most ice totally irrelevant, except for the ones you could break with D4v1d. The silverware meant you only had to break Eli 1.0 once. It finally got banned, but not before people got to play it with Sifr, which is even more disgusting.

  • Pros: Break any ice you want other than Swordsman if you have enough cards in your hand. Burn an I've Had Worse, and get into any server you want. AIs are really way better than they look at first, Eater basically lets you use Corroder on everything. Doesn't care about .

  • Cons: You can't really use this as a main breaker to break everything multiple times. Needs silverware or a normal rig or Knight to help it. You have to play Wyldside and Adjusted Chronotype to keep this going, and Datasuckers as well. You may run out of deck even with Levy AR Lab Access.

8/10 "What Faust can do, is get you in." -TheBigBoy, premier Faust expert.

(Style and Slander era)