Operation: Double • Cost: 3 • Influence: 2

As an additional cost to play this operation, spend click.

Install an asset, agenda, or upgrade from HQ in a new remote server. Place 3 advancement tokens on that card. You cannot score or rez that card until your next turn begins.

Jinteki • Matt Zeilinger • Honor and Profit 15
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Mushin No Shin
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Welcome to Reviewing the Little Boot Icon, an unfortunately named series of reviews for Reboot-modified cards. Today's review: Mushin No Shin. According to this, "This means literally “mind of no mind”, referring to a mind unclouded with conscious thought. This notion is very important in Zen philosophy. The idea is that through disciplined practice, one will come to do something naturally without thought or concern. This is very thematic if you consider how installing and advancing consistently and naturally will prevent you from giving anything away."

  • Changes: Play cost 0<3. You now only save 2.

  • Pros: Spend your turn and 4 to put 4 tokens on Cerebral Overwriter. If the Runner hits it, you are nearly guaranteed to win as 1 maximum hand size means the Runner has basically no way to safely check 4-token Project Junebugs. You can also spend your 3rd to ice the advanced card, but this is rarely worth it. Usual targets include Cerebral Overwriter, Project Junebug, Shattered Remains to eat Brain Cage, Ronin, and whatever agendas your deck is playing. You can set up forks for days with this.

  • Cons: Proper bluff-calling leaves you unable to do anything. The Runner can just run centrals all day and trash your Overwriters that way.

4/10 Please play something else, this is no longer the entire faction.

(Style and Slander era)