Upgrade: Region • Rez: 0 • Trash: 5 • Influence: 2

The first time an advancement token is a placed on a card in this server each turn, gain 1credit.

Limit 1 region per server.

It is difficult to go to Japan without ending up in the sprawl of NeoTokyo.
Jinteki • Emilio Rodriguez • Honor and Profit 21
All sets:
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NeoTokyo Grid
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Welcome to Reviewing the Little Boot Icon, an unfortunately named series of reviews for Reboot-modified cards. Today's review: NeoTokyo Grid, which was probably printed as Tennin Institute: The Secrets Within support.

5/10 I thought this was junk until I realized you could drip creds off Adaptive Netbranes whenever the Runner runs.

(Style and Slander era)