Program: Icebreaker • Install: 2 • Memory: 1 • Strength: 2 • Influence: 2

1credit: Break tracer subroutine.

1credit: +3 strength.

Catch me if you can!
Criminal • Adam S. Doyle • Honor and Profit 44
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Welcome to Reviewing the Little Boot Icon, an unfortunately named series of reviews for Reboot-modified cards. Today's review: Gingerbread, the easiest way to "improve" Andysucker. Cut a Grifter for a Crowdfunding, and remove a Faerie for 1 of these.

  • Changes: Cost to boost 2>1.

  • Pros: Break Tracers for cheap! This includes all the code gates with severe face-check penalties, as well as quite a few sentries. Cheap to install, and 2 strength is quite good, you can break Ichi 1.0 for 4, which is comparable to Mimic if we value Datasucker tokens at 1.

  • Cons: Useless against Rototurret, Archer, Architect, and other non-tracer sentries. Archer is the best sentry in the game. You can use Faerie alongside Ginger to prevent this, but this is hard on with Desperado for a console.

6/10 Nowhere as bad as it looks, Assassin is quite popular.

(Style and Slander era)