
Hardware: Console • Install: 3 • Influence: 3

Gain 1credit whenever you make a successful run.

Limit 1 console per player.

Criminal • Outland Entertainment LLC • Core Set 24
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Welcome to Reviewing the Little Boot Icon, an unfortunately named series of reviews of Reboot-modified cards. Today's review: Desperado, the best Criminal console. Except it's bad at being a console.

*Changes: Gives no MU. It previously gave one. Crims who want MU will have to use Doppelgänger, Blackguard, Logos, or Box-E.

*Pros: Hardware is the most difficult to trash card-type. Gives lots of money for what you should already be doing.

*Cons: Doesn't give MU, so you'll probably want Dyson Mem Chip.

10/10 Defining Crim card.

(Mind and Mayhem era)

I feel like the loss of the memory is negligible. Who wouldn’t run this console?! I might perhaps have suggested a bump to 4 creds could have helped a little here, or knocked it to 5, and kept the memory.

The key to this nerf is its effect on the Datasucker rig. From my nerf explanation I sent to the 2.1 pod:

"Desperado is a cornerstone of the criminal faction, as is the rig of Datasucker, Mimic, and Yog. When it is healthy, this setup relies on using tempo to keep the Corp on its back foot so they cannot arrange their ice in a way that thwarts the fixed breakers. When Desperado provides MU, this gives room for 2 Datasuckers, making fighting off Mimic and Yog nearly impossible. By taking away Desperado's MU, the runner is now either forced to forgo the 2-Sucker setup, or slot and find an additional MU card to use it. With only 1 Datasucker, a single 4 strength sentry or code gate can prevent the runner from farming datasucker counters on archives. With 2, this is insufficient."