
Hardware: Console • Install: 2 • Influence: 2

+1memory unit

Your maximum hand size is increased by 1.

Whenever the Corp scores an agenda, you may search your stack for a card and add it
to your grip. Shuffle your stack.

Limit 1 console per player.

Criminal • Agri Karuniawan • Honor and Profit 37
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Welcome to Reviewing the Little Boot Icon, an unfortunately named series of reviews for Reboot-modified cards. Today's review: Logos, Iain Stirling's console.

  • Changes: Install cost 4>2.

  • Pros: Cheap console with a nice tutor effect. The hand-size boost is also great.

  • Cons: Desperado is the best criminal console and you can't use it with this.

7/10 Sweet for Slow-Crim.

(Style and Slander era)