Identity: Natural • Link: 1 • Deck: 45 • Influence: 12

When your turn begins, gain 2credit if the Corp has more scored agenda points than you.

"Truth is a fickle mistress."
Criminal • Simon Eckert • Honor and Profit 28
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Links: Decklists | ANCUR
Iain Stirling: Retired Spook
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Welcome to Reviewing the Little Boot Icon: Identity Crisis! an unfortunately named spin-off to an unfortunately named series of reviews for Reboot-modified cards. Today's review: Iain Stirling: Retired Spook, Mr. Doomrig Crim.

  • Changes: Influence limit 10<12.

  • Pros: Behind on points? Drip 2 a turn. 1 makes Underworld Contact easy to use with some Dyson Mem Chip.

  • Cons: 12 influence is difficult to use.

  • Playstyle: This won Winter Champs 2023. Drip a bunch of money and lock remotes and centrals. If the Corp tries to rush you out, you speed up.

7/10 Who needs Sunny Lebeau: Security Specialist?

(Style and Slander era)