Program: Icebreaker - AI • Install: 2 • Memory: 1 • Strength: 0 • Influence: 0

Place 1 power counter on Overmind when it is installed for each unused MU.

Hosted power counter: Break ice subroutine.

1credit: +1 strength.

Neutral • Adam S. Doyle • Honor and Profit 53
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Welcome to Reviewing the Little Boot Icon, an unfortunately named series of reviews for Reboot-modified cards. Today's review: Overmind, the most normal AI in the game after Crypsis.

  • Changes: Install cost 4>2.

  • Pros: This is probably one of the most hands-off AI breakers. Just install some memory chips and e3 Feedback Implants and run the remote. This buys you time to set up a more permanent rig or whatever your win condition is. Usually this gets played out of Iain Stirling: Retired Spook, Apex: Invasive Predator, or even Armand "Geist" Walker: Tech Lord. There was also a funny Quetzal: Free Spirit deck with Ekomind and Duggar's to get a bajillion power counters on this. AIs are super great for the Runner, lots of money and one of these pretty much guarantees an access unless you hit Turing or Swordsman in front of something else.

  • Cons: Very expensive to use, Eli 1.0 costs 4 to break, as well as at least 1 token. Running out of tokens sucks, and getting all your mem-chips takes a while.

7/10 Best neutral program.

(Style and Slander era)