Welcome to Reviewing the Little Boot Icon, an unfortunately named series of reviews for Reboot-modified cards. Today's review: Encrypted Portals, part of a cycle of ice-centered 3/1 agendas for each faction. Weyland gets Superior Cyberwalls, NBN gets Improved Tracers, HB gets the Reboot-exclusive Chronal Retrofitting, and Jinteki gets this.
Changes: 1<2 gained.
Pros: Ramp up all your code gates and beat up Yog.0 with a 5-strength Lotus Field. Get cash for having rezzed your code gates already. Jinteki: Personal Evolution loves 1-pointers.
Cons: Be sad that Rielle "Kit" Peddler: Transhuman is breaking all your code gates anyway, and that this is a 3/1 taking up tons of space in your deck. Also be sad that you aren't playing Gila Hands Arcology, Clone Retirement or House of Knives instead. Heck, Unorthodox Predictions is better.