Identity: Megacorp • Deck: 45 • Influence: 17

Whenever an agenda is scored or stolen, do 1 net damage.

When You Need the Human Touch.
Jinteki • Core Set 67
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Jinteki: Personal Evolution
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Welcome to Reviewing the Little Boot Icon: Identity Crisis! an unfortunately named spin-off to an unfortunately named series of reviews for Reboot-modified cards. Today's review: Jinteki: Personal Evolution, also known as Black Tree, PE, and Death by a Thousand Cuts. (We will review Death by 2 Cuts later.)

  • Changes: Influence limit 15<17. Now you can slot more good stuff. Early card pool this makes this ID much less weak. Late card pool it enables better econ so you can afford moar net damage

  • Pros: Loading your deck with 1-point agendas enables you to grind down the Runner's cards and forces them to draw and install more than they'd like, so as to not lose their breakers to your nonsense. This is helped by House of Knives, Snare!, Project Junebug, Shock!, and other cards to make running unpleasant. It also annoys those Faust players who might lose their whole deck eventually.

  • Cons: At the end of the day, 1 net damage is just 1 net damage, and the alternatives like RP might be better. Film Critic ruins your day, and currents are very difficult to keep online.

  • Playstyle: See Pros, and set up multiple remotes with stuff like Mushin No Shin. If you are ahead on points, it's to your advantage to install 2 3/1s and give both of you a point and the Runner 2 net damage. It's like Harmony Medtech: Biomedical Pioneer, in a way.

8/10 A Tier Jinteki ID.

(Mind and Mayhem era)