Welcome to Reviewing the Little Boot Icon, an unfortunately named series of reviews for Reboot-modified cards. Today's review: Lycan, probably the best Morph ice.
Changes: Strength 3<4.
Pros: Beat up Mimic without Datasucker or Net-Ready Eyes or Ice Carver. If the Runner does have those things, force them to have a Yog.0, too. A code gate that trashes programs is simply insane, especially as the dearth of Weyland code gates means the Runner usually won't have a decoder.
Cons: You have to advance this to blow-out decoder-less Runners. This ruins the surprise factor. An AI makes this sad. 4tman is popular. Expensive to rez, and Blue Sun: Powering the Future doesn't like advancing ice.
7/10 Best Weyland code gate.