Resource: Location - Ritzy • Install: 4 • Influence: 1

Place 3 power counters on Earthrise Hotel when it is installed. When there are no power counters left on Earthrise Hotel, trash it.

When your turn begins, draw 2 cards and remove 1 power counter from Earthrise Hotel.

Neutral • Simon Boxer • The Source 120
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Earthrise Hotel
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Welcome to Reviewing the Little Boot Icon, an unfortunately named series of reviews for Reboot-modified cards. Today's review: Earthrise Hotel, a way to get card draw outside of Shaper.

  • Changes: Influence cost 0<1. "Earthrise Hotel crowded out way too many faction-specific draw options, making Criminals and Anarchs draw cards in basically the same way. At 1 influence it is no longer an obvious include, especially in Anarch IDs that had their influence reduced. " -Official Reboot site.

  • Pros: 6 cards for 4. You get the cards 2 at a time, so your hand doesn't get flooded.

  • Cons: Quality Time gives you only 1 less card for 1 less. Respirocytes is cheaper. Criminals have Express Delivery now.

7/10 Lets you draw some cards for a decent price.

(Style and Slander era)