20 cards

Title Faction Type Subtype Set
Helium-3 Deposit 🥾 4 Agenda 2 The Source 101
Errand Boy 🥾 3 ICE 1 Sentry The Source 102
IT Department 🥾 2 Asset 4 The Source 103
Markus 1.0 🥾 4 ICE 5 Barrier - Bioroid The Source 104
Industrial Genomics: Growing Solutions Identity Division The Source 105
Turtlebacks 🥾 2 Asset 4 Clone The Source 106
Shoot the Moon 🥾 0 Operation Double ●● The Source 107
Troll 🥾 1 ICE 3 Sentry ●● The Source 108
Virgo 🥾 3 ICE 5 Sentry - Tracer ●● The Source 109
Utopia Fragment 🥾 5 Agenda 3 Source The Source 110
Excalibur 2 ICE 3 Mythic - Grail The Source 111
Self-destruct 🥾 2 Upgrade 0 The Source 112
Incubator 🥾 2 Program Virus ●●● The Source 113
Ixodidae 🥾 0 Program Virus ●● The Source 114
Code Siphon 🥾 0 Event Run ●●●● The Source 115
Collective Consciousness 🥾 2 Program ●● The Source 116
Sage 🥾 4 Program 0 Icebreaker - Decoder - Fracter ●●● The Source 117
Bribery X Event Run ●● The Source 118
Au Revoir 🥾 1 Program ●● The Source 119
Earthrise Hotel 🥾 4 Resource Location - Ritzy The Source 120

20 cards