Event: Run • Cost: 0 • Influence: 4

Make a run on R&D. If successful, instead of accessing cards, you may search your stack for a program and install it, lowering the install cost by 5 for each piece of ice protecting R&D, and then take 1 tag. Shuffle your stack.

Shaper • Shawn Ye Zhongyi • The Source 115
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Code Siphon
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Welcome to Reviewing the Little Boot Icon, an unfortunately named series of reviews for Reboot-modified cards. Today's review: Code Siphon, which is nowhere as good as Account Siphon, like most of the card-pool.

  • Changes: Cost reduction 3<5.

  • Pros: Program tutoring and R&D pressure all in 1 card! 0 to play, only gives 1 tag, unlike Account Siphon. All ice that costs less than 5 to break is now econ. You can use Overmind to fetch the rest of your rig.

  • Cons: Not very many programs cost a ton, and Self-modifying Code andTest Run are a thing. 4 influence keeps this out of Anarch and Criminal. Shapers already have plenty of R&D pressure with Indexing, The Maker's Eye, and R&D Interface.

4/10 Play Test Run-Scavenge instead. Or even Self-modifying Code.

(Style and Slander era)