ICE: Code Gate • Rez: 2 • Strength: 5 • Influence: 1

click: Move this piece of ice to the outermost position protecting any server.

subroutine Place 1 advancement token on a piece of ice protecting this server that can be advanced.

subroutine Place 1 advancement token on a piece of ice protecting this server that can be advanced.

Weyland Consortium • Liiga Smilshkalne • Order and Chaos 16
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Welcome to Reviewing the Little Boot Icon, an unfortunately named series of reviews for Reboot-modified cards. Today's review: Builder, Weyland's favorite positional code gate.

  • Changes: Strength 4<5.

  • Pros: High strength code gate out of a faction that has very few code gates, let alone playable ones. Allows you to crank up your Wormhole or Ice Wall.

  • Cons: The Runner gets to choose between breaking this and just eating the advancement tokens on the other ice. Requires there to even be an advanceable piece of ice on the same server.

5/10 Just manually advance your ice.

(Style and Slander era)