ICE: Code Gate - Tracer - Illicit • Rez: 4 • Strength: 7 • Influence: 2

When you rez Checkpoint, take 1 bad publicity.

subroutine Trace [7]– If successful, do 3 meat damage when this run is successful.

"I passed right through one once. It didn't seem to do anything at first. It wasn't until I jacked out that I realized they were busting down the door of my apartment." -Valencia Estevez
Weyland Consortium • Lili Ibrahim • Order and Chaos 17
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Welcome to Reviewing the Little Boot Icon, an unfortunately named series of reviews for Reboot-modified cards. Today's review: Checkpoint, a good Weyland code gate! Who needs Builder?

6/10 2nd best Weyland code gate.

(Style and Slander era)