Event: Current • Cost: 0 • Influence: 2

This card is not trashed until another current is played or an agenda is scored.

The Corp's maximum hand size is reduced by 1 for each bad publicity they have.

No one knows what they want-least of all them.
Anarch • Adam Schumpert • Order and Chaos 33
All sets:
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Itinerant Protesters
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Welcome to Reviewing the Little Boot Icon, an unfortunately named series of reviews for Reboot-modified cards. Today's review: Itinerant Protesters, probably the worst Anarch current after the Fisk Investment Seminar nerf.

  • Changes: Play cost 2>0.

  • Pros: If the Corp has less cards in HQ, you get more Vigil triggers, and the Corp gets flooded easier! Get rid of the Corp's current!

  • Cons: Bad publicity is really hard to get, costing an ID slot, an agenda, or staying tagged forever. Or the Corp giving it to themselves, which is either super easy or impossible. Hacktivist Meeting is better, as is even System Outage!

4/10 Anarchs don't have room for nonsense.

(Style and Slander era)