ICE: Sentry - Bioroid - Destroyer - AP • Rez: 1 • Strength: 7 • Influence: 2

As an additional cost to rez
Enforcer 1.0, the Corp must forfeit
an agenda.

The Runner can spend click to break any subroutine on Enforcer 1.0.

subroutine Trash 1 program.

subroutine Do 1 brain damage.

subroutine Trash 1 console.

subroutine Trash all virtual resources.

Haas-Bioroid • Andreas Zafiratos • Old Hollywood 89
All sets:
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Enforcer 1.0
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Welcome to Reviewing the Little Boot Icon, an unfortunately named series of reviews for Reboot-modified cards. Today's review: Enforcer 1.0, Archer.

  • Changes: Strength 5<7.

  • Pros: Use a Domestic Sleepers and 1 to slam a huge bioroid in the Runner's face with some nasty subs! People don't really ever play this, so he's unexpected. Really good against Atman unless you have Heimdall 2.0

  • Cons: Last subroutine is usually really lame, can be ed through, hit with Sharpshooter, or beat up with Deus X or D4v1d. After the console subroutine fires, this is pretty lame.

6/10 Y'all need to try this dude out. I'll be back.

(Style and Slander era)