Operation • Cost: 2 • Influence: 3

Choose a central server. The Runner may initiate a run on that server during which they cannot jack out. Otherwise, add An Offer You Can't Refuse to your score area as an agenda worth 1 agenda point.

Jinteki • A. Jones • Old Hollywood 91
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An Offer You Can't Refuse
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Welcome to Reviewing the Little Boot Icon, an unfortunately named series of reviews for Reboot-modified cards. Today's review: An Offer You Can't Refuse, which has a sick combo with Ruhr Valley.

  • Changes: Play cost 4>2.

  • Pros: With Ruhr Valley, a free point! Make the Runner choose between hitting your Kitsune-Snare! combo and letting you get a point. You can divert them into Archives loaded with Shock!

  • Cons: Doesn't work with Enhanced Login Protocol. Giving many Runners a free fun is rather stupid without Ruhr Valley.

6/10 Jank time, but good.

(Style and Slander era)