ICE: Barrier - Bioroid • Rez: 4 • Strength: 2 • Influence: 1

The Runner may spend click to break any subroutine on Waldemar 1.0.

Waldemar 1.0 gains "subroutine End the run." for each rezzed piece of bioroid ice (max 6).

"Your greatest asset is your ability to cooperate. We are no different, merely better."
Haas-Bioroid • Karl Erik Holter via DALL-E • Reflections 16
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Waldemar 1.0
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Welcome to Reviewing the Little Boot Icon, an unfortunately named series of reviews for Reboot-modified cards. Today's review: Waldemar 1.0, the biggest buff Haas-Bioroid: Stronger Together has every received to date.

  • Changes: Max 6 subs. Rez cost 3<4.

  • Pros: Only 1 inf, so you can play an RP deck with a bunch of other bioroids. Can get a ton of subroutines, and really harass non-Walrus/Gemon/Morning Star fracters.

  • Cons: Low strength, weak at first.

7/10 3x in all ST decks.

(Equity and Eternity era)