Welcome to Reviewing the Little Boot Icon, an unfortunately named series of reviews for Reboot-modified cards. Today's review: NEXT Level Clearance. But Fluffy, you say, this isn't an FFG card. Yes, but it's seen plenty of changes, and you might be wondering if the proxy you printed a while back has been changed since the deck just keeps winning.
Changes: Cost 1<3. Cost 3<4. Cost 4>3. Max 4>3 ice.
Pros: Dump your board to win! You can score a 3/2 or a 4/2 out of hand for less than Biotic Labor would cost you! Can be tutored with Due Diligence if you're an idiot or a janklord.
Cons: Only usable on the last agenda, as only an idiot or a janklord throws away their NEXT suite while the Runner is active.
8/10 Switch those bioroids into NEXT ice and slot this.