Welcome to Reviewing the Little Boot Icon, an unfortunately named series of reviews for Reboot-modified cards. Today's review: Sports Hopper, Plascrete Carapace but not a tech card.
Changes: Install cost 3>2.
Pros: Out of Armand "Geist" Walker: Tech Lord, this is a Plascrete Carapace but 1 cheaper that mills your stack/grip instead of spending tokens and gives a and can be a chinsy Quality Time if need be. If your deck likes , this is a chinsy Plascrete Carapace/chisy Diesel.
Cons: Plascrete Carapace does not burn any of your cards. Diesel costs nothing.
7/10 2xTiger has joined The Horde: Defiant Disenfrancistos.
(Equity and Eternity era)