Decklist of the week



Description by the author: HuginRonin 11

After going 4-0 in the spring championship, I finally felt compelled to post the deck and talk about why I think it did as well as it did.
This is my first deck published so I don't quite know how to talk about it yet, but let's try to go step by step.

Why are you playing Old Hollywood Grid? Well, in a world where I am stuck having to choose between the same FA options or a Caprice/Ash/Herrings pile I decided to still try and do something else. I obviously noticed (like you might have) that this Ol' Holly Grid is worded in a way that greatly rewards you for playing all different agendas, given that it will always save you once. Unlike other upgrades, it will ALWAYS save you once (Film Critic is not real and you can't convince me otherwise). I was playing this deck before, but with a suboptimal suite, so let's begin with that.

You don't NEED to score any of them, but naturally, some are great if you can prioritize them. Government Contracts will help you in those matchups where the runner just trashes everything on your side of the board (Anarchs beware). High-Risk Investment got me out of a pinch against Zailey since she decided to triple siphon me. Power Grid Reroute is a beast in the matchups where it matters, otherwise almost blank. Priority Requisition is good if you're bluffing your advanceable ice (wormhole, Lycan and Orion), but mostly just gets some costs out of the way. The Cleaners is for when you need to go ALL in on the kill plan. Utopia Fragment is a nice additional defense layer to ensure the Runner has to get low to eat the Punitive (Film Critic is not real and you can't convince me of the contrary).

Punitive Counterstrike helps this deck because Gagarin's tax on the runner economy can more easily deal with the costs of the trace. Additionally, running large agendas helps us maximize our damage, but that means you only have two shots. If you mulligan into a punitive, never discard it unless strictly necessary, it will be your ticket out of jail. A lot of the time the deck does win out of flatline, but you need to time it right. Paywall Implementation will ensure we are wealthy as the runner's economy depletes.

For scoring out you are looking at getting two 5/3s and a public support through. Project Atlas is here as a backup solution. Could I be running a Hostile Takeover instead? Of course, maybe it'd be less hassle, but the bad publicity hurts more in gagarin and also since we're alreading 5/3s, we can pretend atlas is one and just get more benefit out of it.

Otherwise things you need to be mindful of. The Root makes this deck. Protect it with your life (at least 1 ice) because there's nothing better than having those 3 creds a turn. CDO Portfolio will ask you if you want to draw more and you need to answer YES. But Ronin... my rnd is empty! That's quitter talk. Lawyer Up and draw that card, you're going to need it.

Crisium Grid is the unsung hero of the piece. Place it where it hurts the Runner most. The fact that I was able to win against zailey's maxx has to do a lot with the fact that my scoring server had crisium in it, not old holly (covers for Singularity).

Ice wise, you can say all you want. It's open to experimentation. But I am very happy where it currently is. Orion is an absolute monster and hedges the hell out of the shaper matchup (destroyer that can't be Sharpshooter)ed, bonus points if you use the second sub on wormhole to trigger orion's trash again.) There is nothing funnier than skipping someone's Inside Job with Bouncer. This is just one of the reasons this deck is very good into Dio, since they can have issues sometimes both getting agendas and being wealthy enough to contest assets.

There's probably something I'm forgetting but for now this is what I wanted to say. I am just happy I get to do well with something no one else is packing.