Program: Icebreaker - AI • Install: 1 • Memory: 1 • Strength: 2 • Influence: 2

3credit: Break ice subroutine on a piece of ice with 0 or less strength.

1credit: The ice currently being encountered has -1 strength until the end of the encounter.

1credit: +1 strength.

Fire and ichor…
Anarch • Sandara Tang • Core Set 13
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Welcome to Reviewing the Little Boot Icon, an unfortunately named series of reviews for Reboot-modified cards. Today's review: Wyrm, an AI breaker that still manages to be bad.

  • Changes: Strength 1<2. This will save you 2 per ice in most breaking scenarios.

  • Pros: This is the only unlimited ice strength reduction availible. Datasucker requires runs, Scrubbed never gets beyond -2, Ice Carver never gets beyond -1. Parasite is vulnerable to purges and takes forever. You can use it with the others to speed up Parasite and this is Wyrm's only good use. Cheap to install. You can also use it as a Datasucker substitute with the fixed-strength barriers.

  • Cons: You have to pump Wyrm up to ice strength, then back down again, then pay 3 per subroutine. You can't break Lotus Field.

2/10 As bad as a card can get without being 100% useless.

(Mind and Mayhem era)