Program: Icebreaker - Killer • Install: 4 • Memory: 1 • Strength: 0 • Influence: 2

1credit: Break sentry subroutine.

2credit: +5 strength.

You feel Ninja before you see Ninja, if you see Ninja at all.
Criminal • Andrew Mar • Core Set 27
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Welcome to Reviewing the Little Boot Icon, an unfortunately named series of reviews for Reboot-modified cards. Today's review: Ninja, not to be confused with Ronin.

  • Changes: Strength boost 3>2 for +5 strength. Now almost Stealth level of cheap.

  • Pros: Cheap for everything but install, which is just decent. 2 Influence means I usually use this in my Shaper decks if I'm not on Dagger.

  • Cons: Ummmmm?

9/10 Tier 1 Killer.

(Mind and Mayhem era)

I think the Rototurret buff makes this less palatable. But if we're in a place where people are playing mean sentries like Assassin, you're in a decent spot

Well, 4<span class="icon icon-credit"></span> to break a 4<span class="icon icon-credit"></span> sentry isn't horrible, but yeah, you might want 0 str Atman