ICE: Barrier - AP • Rez: 6 • Strength: 5 • Influence: 1

subroutine Do 2 net damage.

subroutine End the run.

Most runners do their business in full-sim, with their rigs wired directly into their brains. The setup has a large number of advantages, with the runner able to process data and input commands far faster than a traditional meat-bound system. But it also means greater risk.
Jinteki • Adam S. Doyle • Core Set 78
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Wall of Thorns
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Welcome the Reviewing the Little Boot Icon, an unfortunately named series of reviews for Reboot-modified cards. Today's review: Wall of Thorns, the face-check barrier.

  • Changes: Rez cost 8>6. This means you don't have to use Akitaro Watanabe, Braintrust, and other jank just to afford it.

  • Pros: Barrier with (weak) face-check. 5 for Corroder. Cheap to splash,, though really only Jinteki wants just 2 net. ETR is somewhat rare in Jinteki, though.

  • Cons: Rather expensive for what you get.

7/10 Nice for your scoring server, preferably with a Lotus Field.

(Mind and Mayhem era)