Agenda: Initiative • Adv: 5 • Score: 3

click: Trace [3]– If successful, give the Runner 1 tag.

"We're gonna need a bigger room."
NBN • Ed Mattinian • What Lies Ahead 16
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Restructured Datapool
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Welcome to Reviewing the Little Boot Icon, an unfortunately named series of reviews for Reboot-modified cards. Today's review: Restructured Datapool, the only 5/3.

  • Changes: Base trace strength 2<3. This makes it essentially infinite SEA Sources which is pretty nuts if you ask me.

  • Pros: 5/3s reduce agenda density, meaning you don't get flooded as easily. They cost less to score per point than 4/2s and 3/1s. Infinite SEA Sources is great out of NBN: Making News.

  • Cons: 5/3s make you lose, as Discord user Meryu has often complained. This is because they are high-risk, high-reward, and only glacier decks can reliably score them. has no glacier decks, despite having Jackson Howard and Tollbooth in faction, due to the lack of straight-up ETRs on chunky ice other than Tollbooth, and because "Acme Consulting: The Truth You Need" is not in Reboot.

5/10 If you really want to tag the Runner, consider SEA Source, or Fly on the Wall.

(Mind and Mayhem era)