Welcome to Reviewing the Little Boot Icon, an unfortunately named series of reviews for Reboot-modified cards. Today's review: Dinosaurus, who loves keys.
Changes: Install cost 5>3 This is more like it.
Pros: This nullifies the of a single non-AI icebreaker. You can stick an Endless Hunger on it and have the for Cerberus "Lady" H1 and other breakers, and then you can trash an empty Lady to Endless Hunger. Yog.0, Morning Star, and Mimic love this, as does Chameleon, and it is the only way besides Net-Ready Eyes and The Personal Touch for Yog to get through a Lotus Field.
Cons: AI rigs don't want this, and you are giving up on Astrolabe or the recently spoiled Ubax.
7/10 He holds the Key to the gate.