Asset: Transaction • Rez: 0 • Trash: 5 • Influence: 1

When your turn begins, take 1credit from Marked Accounts, if able.

click: Place 4credit from the bank on Marked Accounts.

NBN • Mauricio Herrera • Cyber Exodus 55
All sets:
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Marked Accounts
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Welcome to Reviewing the Little Boot Icon, an unfortunately named series of reviews for Reboot-modified cards. Today's review: Marked Accounts.

  • Changes: : Place 3<4.

  • Pros: Free to rez, expensive to trash. Allows you to for 4 over time.

  • Cons: Pays out slowly, PAD Campaign loads itself. is not overly fond of lots of econ assets outside of Near-Earth Hub: Broadcast Center.

7/10 Great way to make despite Whizzard: Master Gamer.

(Mind and Mayhem era)