Welcome to Reviewing the Little Boot Icon: Identity Crisis! an unfortunately named spin-off to an unfortunately named series of reviews for Reboot-modified cards. Today's review: Near-Earth Hub: Broadcast Center, once the best ID in the game.
Changes: Influence limit 17>15. C.F. the AstroScript Pilot Program nerf.
Pros: The first time each turn you make a new server, you get a card. This allows you to spam even more PAD Campaigns than anyone else. This is also conducive to combo decks, as you are more likely to actually get the cards.
Cons: You don't have 17 influence for kill combos. The Scorched Earth nerf exacerbates this. Don't draw too many cards.
Playstyle: This is really funny. This is much better, though. Install all the things, if the Runner trashes everything and isn't Whizzard: Master Gamer, they will be broke. If they don't, you will be rich.
7/10 Best asset spam ID.