Welcome to Reviewing the Little Boot Icon: Identity Crisis!, an unfortunately named spinoff to an unfortunately named series of reviews for Reboot-modified cards. Today's review: Weyland Consortium: Because We Built It, the advanceable ice ID.
Changes: Influence limit 15<22. Now you can import your Trick of Lights and SanSan City Grids and still have Jackson Howard and the comforts of life.
Pros: Very high influence limit, however this does not mean there are a variety of decks. You can essentially move your ID 1 to a piece of ice and earn it with Commercialization.
Cons: Not much variety, unlike Weyland Consortium: Building a Better World.
Playstyle: Don't build a remote server, unless it's for SanSan City Grid. Trick of Light everything, and make your centrals into giant fortresses. You can just advance an Ice Wall and use it for money with Commercialization. You are basically vegan Tennin Institute: The Secrets Within.
6/10 Probably the worst ID, but still good.