Asset • Rez: 1 • Trash: 5 • Influence: 2

Xrecurring credit

Use these credits during traces. X is the number of links the Runner has.

This is the net. We work here. We're cops.
NBN • Amelie Hutt • A Study in Static 75
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Net Police
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Welcome to Reviewing the Little Boot Icon, an unfortunately named series of reviews for Reboot-modified cards. Today's review: Net Police, Sunny Lebeau: Security Specialist tech.

  • Changes: cost 1<5. Even Whizzard: Master Gamer is going to pay.

  • Pros: Cheap to rez, expensive to . Sunny Lebeau: Security Specialist is going to lose out on a lot of that ID value, though cloud breakers will not cost . If your NBN: Making News deck struggles with Sunny or other high- decks, this could be a good slot.

  • Cons: Only works on the first trace each round. Many runners don't have at all.

4/10 This seems like a crutch.

(Mind and Mayhem era)

Good review. It's a piece of tech that often does... nothing. How many runners have link? You're probably looking at half your games that this is a waste.