ICE: Sentry - Tracer • Rez: 4 • Strength: 4 • Influence: 2

subroutine Trace [4]– If successful, the Runner cannot make another run this turn.

subroutine Trace [4]– If successful, end the run.

Where one thing ends, another begins.
NBN • Liiga Smilshkalne • A Study in Static 74
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Welcome to Reviewing the Little Boot Icon, an unfortunately named series of reviews for Reboot-modified cards. Today's review: Uroboros, which has art referencing an endless snake.

  • Changes; Rez cost 6>4 Now a better choice.

  • Pros: Excellent in NBN: Making News where it is practically an Excalibur combined with a Resistor. Jinteki: Replicating Perfection might like this on centrals. You can tax the Runner quite a bit. 4 strength beats Mimic. Decently cheap to import.

  • Cons: s are traces, meaning a rich Runner doesn't need a breaker. Weak face-check, which is what sentries are for.

6/10 You should consider this as a 1x in your NBN: Making News deck.

(Mind and Mayhem era)